We can handle the intellectual property (IP) aspects of commercial initiatives by carrying out freedom-to-operate risk assessments, assessing IP for acquisition and carrying out other IP due diligence tasks.
If you are considering acquiring IP rights from another party, we can carry out a due diligence assessment to ensure that you know exactly what rights you will be getting, and we can provide similar assistance if you intend to dispose of your IP rights. This can help both buyers and sellers to evaluate the IP rights. We can adapt the due diligence assessment according to the size and complexity of the deal, as well as the companies involved.
We can assist you in ‘clearing the path’ for new products or activities. This often involves identifying competitor IP that may be relevant, and assessing the risk that your new product or activity may infringe the competitor IP. If a competitor’s patent appears to block a planned product or activity, we can coordinate searching for earlier publications and advise on the validity of their patent. In some circumstances, competitors’ European patents can be opposed, and we have considerable experience in doing this. We can also work closely with solicitors, barristers and foreign attorneys should it be appropriate to apply for revocation of competitors’ patents in national Courts.